First Is The Worst .. The Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge. This challenge took the internet by thunder and lightning when it was shared over and over again. If you don't know what this challenge is it's basically you get a narrow shot glass or cup or literally anything you can suck air out of with your mouth in it. Then when you get your glass put your lips inside of it and suck out all the air, this makes the blood vessels in your mouth swell up and makes your lips bigger in about 5minutes of less. This isn't supposed to be held for too long or it could end up like this:

This could cause Permenant damage according to doctors and scientists.

The Second Trend is this....Unusual Handbag. Big Designers have turned their bag literally into faces, this picture is just an example but designer make the faces a little bit more discreet as in the face isn't literally showing like this. Other than that this bag would be hard to rock ....
Another trend which isnt a bad trend but just isnt the best trend, isthe lace up bodysuits. They Used to be really fashionable and cool but now they are just weak and tired and out of style .. But bodysuits are still fashionable and in style and should continue on til the end.