{Heart shaped egg in toast} ↓↓
The First Thing we are going to need to do is to get our bread, this recipe wouldn't be complete without Toast. Now, the Bread we are going to use can be wholemeal bread or ordinary white bread, I recommend using White Bread because we need To Put Butter on both sides in order to Get The Bread Crusty.
{Wholemeal Brown Bread}
The Next thing you're going to do is butter both sides of the bread, This is in order to get it crust and have a nice buttery taste.Just be careful as it might get messy!
The Next thing we need is A Cookie Cutter To cut out the heart shape in the bread in order to put the egg inside.
When you cut out the heart in the centre of the bread, keep the heart and butter it. Then Heat The Pan And add the bread onto it.
After putting the bread on the pan crack an egg into the centre and let it cook thoroughly.

Then When You Flip It Around a number of times you should realise that it's getting a bit burnt, when that happens to remove the whole sandwich away from the heat and place it carefully onto a plate.