So yesterday I was really bored and started re-watching "mean girls" and that's what inspired me to make this blog❤

Hair is extremely important to be a mean girl, the longer the hair the meaner although short hair would work it could be dyed or something. Any Hairstyle is great if your African American rock your box braids but maybe add a bandana to complete it.

Makeup and nails are important in this one, your makeup shows how you're going to look attractive or just to slayy. One thing I would suggest is to wake up early and do your makeup because if your running late and there's no makeup on might be the end of the world (unless you bring your makeup bag , hide in the bathroom and do it ) for you!

Not exactly like this but you know what i mean ↑
One of the most important things to the figure. I know it might sound stupid but it's essential to slayy . Having good figure makes you look good in clothes and just generally. I Mean come on..we know the regulars are...well...nevermind.☺☺

The Next thing is clothing..I think the crop top and jeans look is underrated. It Looks really good and might catch you some boys! Oooh that's another thing in order to be popular the hottest boys have to be all over you. Never make enemies with the good looking!

One thing you have to going to the club or disco! particularly a junior disco for safety but remember your not afraid of anything. Then we go to the outfits , hunty you have to slayy everyone cut everyone with your knife ...nevermind that went a bit too far.
As I come back to say again..see I told you the nails changes everything like these pictures would look bad if it weren't for the nails! Anyway the shoes are a biggg must have . you must own at least 3 pairs of nice shoes branded shoes!